home watcher and security camera monitoring inside of house

Home Watch vs. Home Security Systems

You may be wondering, "Why hire a Home Watch Company when I have a security system?". It’s a valid question—with an equally compelling answer. There’s no doubt that home security systems are important. They are a great “first step” in protecting your home, which makes them a good investment. And in today’s ever-evolving market, there is a wide range of features designed to deter intruders and keep your property safe.

However, while these technologies are essential, they are not fool-proof. They are not “alive” and can’t provide the same peace of mind you get when you hire a Home Watch company to visit your home while you are away. Cameras and security systems are an excellent starting point in securing your home, but a home watch company takes it to the next level. To be clear—home watch companies are comprised of one or more individuals who perform a visual inspection of your home or property, looking for obvious issues.

Let’s explore how home security systems work and why supplementing them with a professional Home Watch service can provide the ultimate peace of mind.

Key Features of Top Home Security Systems

Modern home security systems come equipped with various features that can significantly deter crime and provide alerts in case of environmental hazards. Some common features include:

security alarm keypad

Keypads: Usually mounted to the wall near the front and back doors, these are the main control panels that let the homeowners enter a code upon entry / arrival.

Motion Detectors: Ideal for spotting unauthorized movement within or around your property. Most alarm systems now come with a mobile app that will alert you to any movement in or around your home.

High-Definition Cameras: Offer live streaming and recorded footage, useful for real-time and retrospective security checks.

Window and Door Sensors: Alert homeowners to any unauthorized access attempts.

Smart Home Integration: Allows for remote monitoring and control of security features.

While these features are invaluable for initial alerts and deterrence, they do have limitations, especially when it comes to non-visual, non-auditory or non-olfactory issues that might arise in or around the unoccupied home.

What to Look for in a Home Watch Company

Be sure to hire someone with the necessary qualifications and experience to care for your home when you leave it unoccupied for long—or short—periods of time.

House sitters typically lack proper training, while Home Watch professionals attend a “bootcamp”, a rigorous, specialized training program that educates them on how to properly perform a home watch inspection and mitigate risks that can protect a home from further damage. Additionally, legitimate Home Watch pros should be certified and their companies accredited. They must carry the correct insurance and be bonded. Ask for proof before you hire!

Limitations of Home Security Systems in Unoccupied Homes

A high-tech security system can protect against many threats, but there are scenarios that will go undetected in a home that is left vacant for extended periods of time such as:

Environmental Dangers: Systems can often detect smoke or carbon monoxide but might miss signs of mold, mildew, or pest infestations.

Maintenance Issues: Security systems—even smart home technology— can't detect a small water or gas leak. Either can could turn into a significant issue … one that should be handled as soon as identified. Home Watch Professionals can smell if gas is leaking upon entering your home, they check walls, ceilings, pipes, under sinks, etc. to see if they find anything out of the ordinary. Findings are photographed and sent to the homeowner, so they can make the decision on whether or not to schedule a repairman. Other concerns technology cannot address include checking on and/or removing food left in the refrigerator to spoil.

paint chipping around air vents
Your security cameras aren't gonna spot this!

Physical Damage from Natural Disasters: After storms or hurricanes, only a human can assess and manage damage like broken windows, fallen branches, or compromised roof integrity.

The Critical Role of Home Watch Services

This is where Home Watch services, offered by Home Watch companies, become essential. Even the best security systems benefit from a human touch. Home Watch professionals perform in-person, on-site visits using a detailed Home Watch checklist to inspect potentially problematic matters that automated systems cannot assess.

Physical Inspections: Home Watch professionals can spot issues that are obvious only to the human eye, such as minor changes, damages or differences inside or outside of your property (for example altered landscaping or accumulated mail).

Mitigating Risks: By taking immediate action—, from coordinating repairs to addressing emergencies, Home Watch pros mitigate potential risks that could lead to severe damage or loss if not handled in a timely manner.

Regular Updates with Photographic Evidence: Homeowners receive comprehensive reports complete with photographs and videos, to ensure that you are fully informed of your property’s condition, regardless of where you are in the world.

Your security cameras aren't gonna spot this either!
water dripping down the wall

Why Home Watch Services Complement Home Security Systems

While home security systems excel at monitoring and providing alerts, they lack the ability to perform physical interventions and detailed inspections. Integrating these systems with Home Watch services ensures that every aspect of your home’s safety and maintenance is covered. Whether it’s the smell of a gas leak or the aftermath of a severe storm, having a professional ready to assess and respond to situations on the ground can make all the difference.

Ensuring Comprehensive Protection for Your Unoccupied Home

Investing in both a robust home security system and a professional Home Watch service provides the most comprehensive protection for your unoccupied home. While technology offers first-line defense and remote monitoring capabilities, the personal attention of a Home Watch service helps increase the chances of your home remaining in top condition.

For those who frequently travel or own multiple properties, combining these services isn’t just a choice—it’s a necessity. Find a Home Watch Company near you!